It is not always easy to find classics in the world of alternative in education. This is why we offer the possibility of renting books from our humble library on a variety of topics pertaining to alternative education (unschooling, homeschooling, democratic school, NVC…). You can find books for authors such as Grey, Neill, Rowe, Pardo, Kohn and more.
Ce service n’est offert qu’aux familles-membres du centre et c’est gratuit. Il est également possible pour vos jeunes de louer de nos livres. Nous avons quelques bandes dessinées, romans et livres académiques qui pourraient les intéresser.
This service is only offered to member-families and it is free. It is also possible to rent books for your kids. We have a variety of magazines, comic books, novels and non-fictions books that could be of interest. We ask you to fill out this form.